



Signs of Adenomyosis and Adenomyosis Herbal Treatment

Signs of Adenomyosis and Adenomyosis Herbal Treatment

Incidence of adenomyosis is creasing gradually and because of the symptoms such as dysmenorrhea, infertility which torture suffers a lot, adenomyosis is actually a serious disease. Adenomyosis patients are much concerned about the question "can adenomyosis be cured".  


Experts expressed that if adenomyosis can't be treated soon enough, then the condition will become more serious in the period. So, dysmenorrhea gradually aggravate. Often, symptoms are menstrual disorders, infertility, painful intercourse, pelvic pain, fever, increased vaginal discharge and menstrual pain.    


Therefore, if you are suffer from adenomyosis, please receive treatment as soon as possible. In general, both traditional Chinese medicine and western medical methods can solve this problem. To treat this disease, hormones are used usually in western medicine. Hormones can operate quickly but it will create a considerable side effect. While traditional Chinese medicine does not often soon take effect, however, it is a treatment without any side effect.       


Generally, causes of adenomyosis are multiple. It usually occurs in women who are at the age of forty to fifty. In addition, some congenital or acquired diseases can lead to reproductive tract infarction. Thus, menstruation can't discharge, which can cause adenomyosis finally. 


In summary, common adenomyosis can be cured in a more simple way. However, women should have certain knowledge of this disease. When you find you have these symptoms, please take measures to prevent from a disease progression. Besides, women ought to have regular body check. 


Signs of adenomyosis


Dysmenorrhea: Dysmenorrhea is a primary symptom of adenomyosis, which will be server during intercouse. With development of the disease, this pain can begin one week before the period and prolong to one or two weeks after the period.


Menorrhagia: Menorrhagia is another cardinal symptom, which can easily cause anemia. In some cases, this condition can be misdiagnosed with metropathia hemorrhagica.

Infertility: It is a fact that not all adenomyosis patients can't be gregnant, but still there are many patients have this trouble.


Adenomyosis herbal treatment

Treatments of adenomyosis are multiple. However, the most safe one is herbal treatment. That is because western medicine can't not fundamentally solve the problem and restore uterine function. As we know, the stasis is a very vital thing which needs to be settled. Traditional Chinese medicine Fuyan Pill is good at promoting blood circulation. As to the inflammation, Some prescriptions in this Pill can eliminate inflammation and clear away toxic materials. Numerous adenomyosis patients are cured by Fuyan Pill, this amazing adenomyosis herbal treatment brings hope for all adenomyosis patients.


source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Adenomyosis/2012/0609/241.html


The connection between plastic containers and infertility and the treatment

Plastic containers is the necessary goods in people's daily life, we often use it to package products. According to surveys, different types of plastic containers own the different types of quality, and what's worse, many of them even exist the serious health hazard. By the state authority, among the 16 brands of plastic containers widely spread in the market, 15 kinds are containing banned material DEHA.
In this regard, the food safety experts suggest that the DEHA put the bad impact on our hormones, and make our endocrine system disorders. It not only causes the sexual precocity of women, but also causes the male infertility. However, there are a variety of causes that can cause the male infertility, so how to prevent infertility have become the compulsory for most male friends.
A healthy diet 
From the above, we have learned that as the food packaging material, the harmful substances in the plastic wrap can easy to enter the body through food. In particular, many men are blind to pursuit of taste in the diet while ignoring the quality of food. For example, the male excess intake of high-fat and spicy foods, all of these can cause the excess nutrients, and finally lead to the obesity. As we know, the obesity is one of the culprits that causing the male infertility. 
So, the healthy and regular eating habits are the first step to prevent the male infertility.
The reasonable exercise 
Male fertility is closely related to the sperm quality. The sedentary and lack of exercise are the killer to reduce sperm quality. Nowadays, most men must stay at their chairs for more than 10 hours, and thus lead to hypertension, diabetes and obesity and so on. All of these diseases lead to the excessive secretion of estrogen, meanwhile the testicles metabolic capacity also reducing. At this point, if you take the diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill, then you may get a desirable result.
Do not suffer in silence
The biggest reasons of male infertility are the reproductive system disorders. As many men do not want to talk about the infertility, so they can not properly treat their condition. If they accidentally suffer from prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis or such kind of diseases, they usually tend to keep in silence. Even when the symptoms are obviously, they also choose the self-medication. 
Dr.Lee said that it not only will not solve the problems of disease, but also can aggravate the condition, and put the long-term inflammation on the reproductive organs. Therefore, the positive treatment of reproductive system disorders is the most critical step for male infertility.

How many factors that can bring Painful intercourse to men and women?

What is painful intercourse? It is a painful or uncomfortable phenomenon happens when having sexual intercourse. Most of the time painful intercourse happens because of lacking of lubricant. It is very common. But if it happens frequently and become severer, it might be caused by some diseases. Both women and men can experience this symptom, so it should be avoided. 
Factors for men
prostatitis is a important reason make men to experience painful intercourse. as is known, when having ejaculation, seminal vesicle can be affected by this action. So pain can be felt when ejaculation, because seminal vesicle is near around prostate gland, and prostate gland can be moved by ejaculation too.
phimosis also is a factor. Men with this disease have high risk of infection. So if having infection on penis, it is easy to feel pain when having intercourse. Men with phimosis has their penis covered tight, so pain commonly happens because of  friction.
3, penisdeformity patients also have to bear painful intercourse because their penis are not normal, so it is unable to bear normal friction.
Factors for women
Vaginitis is a disease that has inflammation on vagina or its Submucous connective tissue. So when women with vaginitis having intercourse, it is easy for them to experience painful intercourse. Women with this disease should avoid intercourse until this disease is cured.
PID is the second causes of painful intercourse. Pelvic inflammation disease can bring pain on women’s vagina or lower abdomen, thus, when having sex, the pain on vagina becomes severe. Women with PID should avoid intercourse too until it is cured.
Painful intercourse is a symptom that easy to be cured. Women can take fuyan pill and men can take Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to eliminate this symptom.

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